Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mechanical bulls probably still work in the cold or Austin - Part Three


When we woke up on Saturday, it looked like this outside. It was grey and rainy the day before, but this day's weather had an added element of was now 40 degrees. The shorts should have gone back into the suitcase for the remainder of the trip but I was stubborn and decided to still wear them. I WAS ON VACATION! We woke up kind of late and I ran downstairs to see if we could still catch breakfast, but they were dead set on on closing up shop at 11am. Luckily, there was an IHOP right down the street from us and we headed over there. I wish I had a picture of our waitress because she was so very pregnant that she would almost knock stuff off of the table with her belly as she reached to put your plate down on the table. Nice girl, very preggers, with neck tattoos.

After our brunch at the trusty IHOP, we headed back to the hotel. All of the flower work that was done the night before was scheduled to be done on Saturday, so we really didn't have much to do during the day. I went down and fought off the University of Colorado Women's basketball team (true story) for use of the fitness center, and Sarah continued working on the wedding present.

Later that evening was the rehearsal dinner, and it was way down south of Austin. Over an hour's drive, very close to San Antonio. Thirty or so more miles and we would have been passing the Alamo. The area we ended up in was country as country can be. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the "restaurant" that we were at was the only one in town. Very very nice place, but more of house that serves food than anything. We passed the above exit on the way down there and decided not to get off.

Sarah and Maria (bride-to-be) at the dinner. All of their family and friends were just really nice and sincere people and we could not have been happier to be down there and be part of all of it. There is something to be said about small weddings because of how personal and intimate everything tends to be.

After the dinner, we headed back to Austin and hit up a grocery store for beer, a cheese ball, crackers, and a bottle of champagne (for the girls the next day before the wedding). I had to break into the restaurant in the hotel (it didn't have doors, so I pretty much walked right in) and stole a plate and a knife for our cheeseball. We (mostly me) were hungry already so I devoured half of the cheese ball and crackers while Sarah finished the quilt and I watched the end of the football game. The finished product is above (notice the first picture has me sound asleep under it...she was up late again).

Side note: I can't believe that "PREGGERS" isn't in Blogger's spell check list.


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