Sunday, October 22, 2006

"Hindsight isn't just 20/20..."

"it sticks it in and then proceeds to break one off..."

...vulgar deep thoughts from my brother that pretty much sum up life altogether. This weekend wasn't terrible, it just existed. Much like many things in my life right now, I'm looking back with the "what I should have done was..." glasses on.

Factual information:

-I was more than consumed both Friday and Saturday by this:

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I have never been athletic, never played sports, never considered myself a "competitor" by any means known to man, but put this game in front of me and I'll probably not be your friend by the end of the night. This would be either because:

A) You are my teammate and I scold you continuously for not giving good enough clues, or not guessing my EASY description of famed Jefferson's actor Sherman Helmsley.


B) You are my competition and I've talked shit to you for the entire game because my team is winning.

You probably are better off with option B.

You may wonder what the hell this has to do with the subject of this post, and I'll tell you...this game is nothing but hindsight at it's best. You or your teammates telling eachother what you should have said in order to describe the word beating yourself up because as soon as the buzzer goes off, you thought of the perfect clue to describe some obscure person, place or thing.

In all, I take this game way too seriously, but I totally have had thoughts of studying for it. Because I want to win.

-When I graduated from college, I moved back in with my Mom and Dad for a year before moving out and investing in some prime suburban real estate with my domestic partner. While living with my parents, I have no idea where the good "adult" salary I made went. I'm guessing gas, food, cigarettes, alcohol, bags, shoes, and clothes that I probably don't even wear anymore. I paid soley the minimum on my credit cards, which also paid for all of the above while I was in college, and never gave a thought to trying to pay down my debt. If I could go back to that time I would probably punch myself in the face or throw a glass of water at myself in order to snap the eff out of it and get down to business! But, alas, I am yet to harness my powers of time travel, so I sat in the dark on a Saturday night wallowing in hindsight and trying not to become a drinker as I figured out how much and how long I'll have to pay in order to be where I should have been by now and realizing how much of my money goes to household bills which would have been considered "disposable income" back at old Ma and Pa's. This part-the money part-is where the whole "sticking it in and breaking it off" really comes to play. I'd rather if you didn't try to visualize that, thanks.

Other events took place which aren't really any of your business, but to sum them up they included: hatred of others, sad day, fried chicken, the sweeds, perspiration, being a miserable wretch, first times and hopefully last times in the Jewel, back stabbing, that whole blood and water thickness thing...and getting roses even if it is a madeup holiday which really makes everything I just said in the above paragraph not so important.

Let's try to have a better few days okay?




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