Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Age ain't nothin' but a number...

Tomorrow is my Mom's birthday. She is going to be 55. I love my Mom, if I was in kindergarten I would make her a big heart card out of macaroni and glitter. Instead I will eat Chinese food with my wacky family and enjoy the fact that I have such an awesome Mom. That's how much I love her. She so obviously loves me too.

Some things I have learned from my Mom:

  • My sense of humor and quit wit.
  • The importance of Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin and the Lido Shuffle.
  • How to be a true good friend.
  • Creativity .
Some things that are awesome about my Mom:

  • Her cackle.
  • Her ability to put someone in their place in her "mom tone" with a full smile on her face.
  • Her stories.
  • The fact that after hearing those stories, she is still such a good person and isn't in a loony bin.
Anyways, she rules.

Happy Birthday to her.

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I look weird there, like I just woke was easter, so maybe I was just tired from celebrating the resurrection or maybe I just gobbled too many ham sandies. But Ma Dubbs has eyes open and mouth closed as not to see her trusty gum we'll roll with it.

In other news...I don't have a Halloween costume, or Halloween plans for that matter. Somehow as I've gotten older, the whole idea of Halloween has become less fun to me. We are having a "pot luck" at work and I have to bring something but I'm not dressing up seeing as the e-mail specifically warned against "explicit" or "offensive" costumes. So all the ideas I had were out.

I wonder when the benefits of growing up are going to kick in? Beuller? Beuller?

We got a new coffee machine at work. Probably one of the sweetest things to happen since I've worked there. It's called a Flavia. Admire it in all it's glory:

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It's brilliant. It has 30 different drink options from coffee to tea and I'm in love. Much to my chagrin though, it's only a trial until Friday. I filled out three surveys saying how much I liked it. It makes friggin' Milkey Way flavored drinks. One of my co-workers compared the hysteria regarding the new machine to Pretzel Day on "The Office", so true. I totally see a mutiny coming on if they don't sign a contract to keep this magical contraption. In the mean time I will be trying my best to sample as many drinks as I can. Please keep me and the Flavia in your thoughts and prayers.

Lastly, this is probably one of the best human interest stories I've ever seen. It's kind of slow in the first couple minutes, but stick with it and you won't be sorry. SkidBoot

That's about it for now.

Don't be an asshole.



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