Monday, October 16, 2006

"Long story short, it's hard to be funny..."

...A couple of days ago I was brushing and flossing when all of a sudden I saw a huge dark spot on my back left tooth. I was so upset, because I brush and floss quite often, and generally have tried to take good care of my delicate teeth. When I say delicate I mean that I'm no stranger to the root canal or removal of bad tooth, in fact I'm quite familiar with these procedures. So this is why I try very hard and this is also why I was so devistated. How embarrased was I going to be when I went to my dentist with this HUGE cavity??? Well I can tell you one thing, not as embarrassed as going to him with the HUGE cavity and it turning out to be a fucking filling that I got last year, which for some reason I never noticed in almost 365 days of brushing and flossing my delicate teeth. Worlds shortest dentist appointment=3 minutes.

On the way home, I was behind a semi and missed my exit, so i ended up going east on 90 instead of west, right by the toll booth. 35 minutes and $2.00 later I was on my way home. I then honked at an old man to let him know he could merge and he gave me the finger, with purpose. Like shaking it up and down at me.

Honestly? Honestly. Life: 1, Me: 0.


At 3:46 PM, Blogger Uncle Gordon said...

First of all, hilarious. Second, if there was one place I'd like to be in for only 3 minutes, it would be the dentist chair.


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