Wednesday, October 18, 2006

If that chick don't wanna know, forget 'er....

...I'm at work. Eating my delicious lunch and taking a break from editing the fast paced "Risk Management" newsletter. I had to slow down, otherwise my excitment level might shoot through the roof. Enterprise Risk Management is some crazy ass shit...whew.

but I digress...

My delicious lunch today includes cottage cheese. I keep forgetting that I really like cottage cheese. It never appeals to me in the store and I never think "I could go for some cottage cheese!" but never the less I really like it and I am glad it could be part of my nutritious lunch box.

Yesterday I made a list here at work of things that are of importance/annoyance to me at this moment in time. I left the list at home, but one of them is still fresh in my mind and it is something I'd like to take public.

It would be the outlawing of those stupid shoes that have wheels on them. The ones that parents buy for thier children just to ruin other people's lives/trips to the mall/grocery store/airport.

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Ugh. Everytime I see some little monster wearing these shoes it makes me want to grab them and say "The world is not your playground you little annoying child!!! I'm trying to not kill someone today and this is not helping!!!!" But then the parent might actually notice that they have a child for once and I'd go to jail, and I'm too pretty for jail. One thing is for sure, my child, when I have said child, will never be that child.

Circumstances like this strengthen my motivation for my line of children's books entitled "Don't be an asshole!" They would consist of the parent taking the child to places where children are most likely to be an asshole...and teaches them how to act. For example, "Don't be an Asshole, We have to go Grocery Shopping!" would teach children how to go to the grocery store with Mom or Dad and not sit in the cart screaming bloody murder or pulling things off the shelves making me want to trap them in the freezer case. It would also cut out the need for people to push around a Play-School truck that hardly fits down the aisle instead of a cart just so "Maddie" or "Hunter" will be able to sit still for an hour. Don't steal my idea...I'm making it happen.

Other things in the works, thinking of ideas for some t-shirts for myself...trying to like my job...wishing I had more money...and getting a kitten.

I plan on tackling my list this evening. Until then, there's about 15 boring articles with my name on them.




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